“In this series we bring you our #FavouriteThings Holiday Gift Suggestions which we personally recommend”
Okay so this may not be your ordinary gift suggestion but it still makes our #FavouriteThings list and here is why: holidays or no holidays some things just keep on keeping on and housework is one of those inevitable realities. But, we don’t want to be working all the time so Shark has the perfect solution to free up your time.
At this time of year kiddos and pets, and even hubby, bring the outdoors indoors. That means leaves, mud, sand, gravel and almost anything you can imagine makes its way into your house. Not to mention Rover and Fluffy who never wipe their paws when they come in from outside. Guess who has to take care of all these tasks? If the answer is you then this is the perfect gift!
The right supplies will make clean-up a breeze, getting you back to your holiday celebrations in no time. The Shark® Steam & Scrub All-in-One Scrubbing and Sanitizing Hard Floor Steam Mop sanitizes floors with dual rotating pads that work fast to clean up.
The Shark® Scrub Steam Mop is a dream to use. It is so light and maneuverable it makes clean up a breeze. It is so handy for the kitchen, mud room, laundry room, bathrooms, entry and anywhere you have sealed floors.
I especially like the idea of saving money on detergents and the fact that I don’t have to worry about chemicals on my floors. That’s important if you have crawlers and bum scooters in your household, also kiddos that can’t keep their socks and shoes on no matter if it’s January! You can be confident your floor are as clean as they can be with the sanitizing steam mop.
[**Based on IEC IEC/TC SC 59F (Mustard), tested against S1000.]