Getting my exercise…on the Canada Line!

I was thinking the other day as I trudged up the stairs at the Oakridge Station of The Canada Line that this was an easy way to get my daily exercise.

Forget jogging or finding time to go to a fitness class, why not just get my exercise while I’m on a more pleasurable pursuit – like shopping for example.

I just avoid the escalator, never take the elevator unless I have a heap of luggage, and use the stairs up and down. Some stations have multiple staircases, as does Oakridge. This is great; I’m traveling anyway so think of all the extra calories I burn by using the stairs.
Even better if I’m lugging heavy shopping bags.

I remember seeing the women in Paris constantly on the move. Never in runners or walking shoes, always wearing stilettos. Man do they have great legs. No wonder Parisian women have terrific legs they walk everywhere including up and down the stairs to the Metro.

So no more escalators or elevators for me from now on I’m going to channel my inner “Parisian” diva and work on my gams, just maybe without the stilettos!


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