Slow food cycle tours are held all over North America and beyond. It is a movement to showcase and support where and how the local food is grown.

It’s a wonderful day to spend with a bicycle, friends or just to go by yourself. I went to the one in Greendale Chilliwack last year. A beautiful area of Chilliwack with charming country roads, and adorable cute little acreages of hobby farms. Many of these farms sell their fresh produce and wares to Granville Island.
You will find honey, pottery, soaps, herbs, fresh produce and more. Bring a lunch or stop at some of the farms for fresh pie or a barbecue with some entertainment. I stopped at Lotusland Winery for a glass of wine at their outdoor patio while enjoying the company of others. Soaking up the sunshine in the beautiful countryside with the sweet aroma of the nearby grapevines.
Bring a bicycle basket here are some ideas there will also be a local shuttle that will take your purchases to the parking lot.
There is a small fee for the registration please see.
Agassiz August 2nd
Chilliwack August 3rd
Pemberton August 17th
With many more slow food cycle tours to attend.
It is a self guided route and easy to follow.

You will see the red snail sign clearly marking the route. A map is also available at the start of the route, with a description of the farms.
A great event for the entire family. A leisurely afternoon to enjoy. Ring your bell as you pass the many people enjoying the open road, fresh air and freedom the bicycle can bring.