Road Trip Safety Tips for Vancouver Visitors

Road Trip Safety Tips for Vancouver Visitors

Road tripping is one of the best ways to discover all of the hidden gems that Vancouver has to offer. With overnight travel to Canada on the rise, car travel is a less crowded alternative to planes and cruise lines that lets you take your time when sightseeing. But road travel presents some considerations for traveling families, and so it’s important to take precautions before your trip. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind when cruising in and around the Vancouver area.

Plan Ahead

Vancouver roads are regularly maintained, which is great for locals, but roadworks can throw a poorly planned vacation seriously off-kilter. Before leaving on your trip, make sure to check local road closures and construction zones to avoid getting stuck in traffic. You can also avoid some hefty fines, as speeding tickets are doubled in most BC construction zones.

If you’re traveling for long periods in a car, you should plot out rest stops along your route. Outside of the city, you may encounter stretches of road without gas or food. If you get stuck, it may take a while for rescue vehicles to arrive in more remote areas. Be sure to bring a phone or satellite communication device along with you just in case at all times.

Know the Rules of the Road

When road tripping in an unfamiliar area, you should familiarize yourself with local road rules ahead of time. This not only keeps you and other drivers safe but can also help you to avoid getting a ticket. Some important BC road laws to keep in mind include:

  • You must wear a seatbelt at all times
  • It’s illegal to do a U-turn at an intersection
  • You can’t use a cell phone while driving
  • You can drive through blinking green lights at pedestrian intersections

Watch for Cyclists

Vancouver is full of bike lanes which, while good for the environment, can be a pain for motorists. Lane markings can be confusing and inconsistent, with some roads offering separated lanes and some having shared lanes. The best thing that you can do to avoid any collisions with cyclists is to check your mirrors and be wary of bikers at all times. Check for cyclists when stopping, turning, parking, or opening the car door.

Even though Vancouver is a relatively safe area, traveling by car in an unfamiliar place always poses a risk. The next time that you and your family take a road trip around the Vancouver area don’t forget to plan accordingly and brush up on your road safety rules. Just a little bit of care and vigilance on your part can help to save lives.

Feature image: Nathan Ziemanski on Unsplash

Guest blogger: Sally Writes

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