#ThisWineThatDish | Murphy Goode California Chardonnay | Miso Sea Bass

“It is the custom of every good mother after her children are asleep to rummage in their minds and put things straight for next morning,”
—J.M. Barrie, The Adventures of Peter Pan

This wine pairing dish comes with thanks to Culture Tastic for inviting me to participate in the online cooking class Taste of Japan with Chef Charmaine Cheung.

This dish would be perfect to serve Mom for Mother’s Day. It is simple to prepare and the results were delicious.  Although it was a coincidence that the main course was a dish using Miso it is no secret that I am a big fan. You can see some of my previous Miso #ThisWineThatDish features with delicious recipes here.

Sea Bass just cries out for a bold Chardonnay and the Murphy Goode definitely answers the call.

The recommended wine pairing:

Murphy Goode California Chardonnay


Appellation: California

Flavour Descriptors: Apple | Lemon Curd | Vanilla

This wine is made with the thought of coming home from work, putting your feet up, and relaxing with a refreshing glass in hand. This chardonnay is fruit-forward, clean, and benefits from barrel aging that helps to round the wine and add just a touch of richness.

A Sonoma winery from 1985, it is now part of the Kendall Jackson group. Then as now the whites are extra ‘goode’ and here the Chardonnay is about refreshment, apple and citrus hints. So a sipper or with so many food combinations.


Chardonnay is Rich & Full-Bodied

Examples of great pairings: Cobb Salad, Pasta with Chicken, Roasted Chicken, Roasted Turkey, Pork or Veal in Cream Sauce with Mushrooms, Mild Soft Cheeses, Lobster with Drawn Butter, Crab with Drawn Butter, Mushroom Risotto, Poached Salmon.

$20.99 currently on sale until June 4 $19.99 at BC Liquor Stores

Miso Sea Bass


Sea bass 180 g/person
Mirin 4 tbsp
Yellow miso 1 tbsp
Ginger & green onion for garnish


1.Mix mirin and miso

2.Marinate fish for 2 hours to overnight 

3.Preheat oven to 395°F, bake for 15-18 minutes 

4.Turn oven to 425°F for the last 5 minutes


Our goal is to put something on the table that leads to great
conversations and unfiltered joy – no additional thought required.

Wine notes courtesy of the winery and BC Liquor Stores. Recipe and image of the Miso Sea Bass  courtesy of Everything Goes Virtual and Choice Communication.

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