Beaujolais recognized Internationally : 4 Prestigious Awards for Domaine de Colonat

Julie et Thomas Collonge, les vignerons passionnés à la tête de ce domaine familial, ont en effet décroché quatre prestigieux trophées internationaux, couronnant ainsi leurs cuvées d’excellence et affirmant la qualité exceptionnelle de leurs vins.

Long associated with the festive image of Beaujolais Nouveau, Beaujolais wines have often been underestimated for their true potential.

However, in 2024, this iconic wine region is experiencing a remarkable renaissance, with Domaine de Colonat at the forefront.

Julie and Thomas Collonge, the passionate winemakers leading this family estate, have secured four prestigious international trophies, highlighting the exceptional quality of their wines.

Prestigious Awards for an Excellent Estate

The awards won by Domaine de Colonat reflect the hard work and passion of Julie and Thomas Collonge.

Their 2023 Moulin-à-Vent Vieilles Vignes cuvée was named Best Gamay in the World among 811 wines from four countries at the 14th edition of the International Gamay Competition.

This competition, held at the International City of Lyon, gathered a jury of 181 professional and enlightened amateur tasters.

The Sommelier Wine Awards honoured the 2022 Morgon Les Charmes Grandes Terres cuvée with a Jury’s Favourite, a distinction given to wines that impress the judges with their exceptional quality, regardless of price or style. This unexpected recognition was a true surprise for Julie and Thomas, who were unaware of their wine’s participation, submitted by their English importer.

On June 19, 2024, Domaine de Colonat reached new heights with two Best in Show awards at the Decanter Wine Awards. The 2023 Morgon Les Charmes and 2023 Moulin-à-Vent Les Grenèriers cuvées ranked among the 50 best wines in the world out of a total of 18,000 samples from 57 countries.

These distinctions confirm the exceptional quality of Beaujolais wines and their place among the world’s best wines.

From Old Vines to Exceptional Grapes

One of Domaine de Colonat’s strengths lies in its old vines, with an average age of about 65 years for the red wines. These densely planted, low-trained vines produce small grapes of exceptional richness. Their deep roots ensure resilience to droughts like those of the 2020, 2022, and 2023 vintages. The grapes are perfectly balanced between sugar and acidity, offering harmonious and high-quality wines.

The harvest date is crucial for Julie and Thomas Collonge. They conduct numerous observations and maturity checks to determine the optimal harvest time. This precision allows them to harvest grapes at perfect maturity, ensuring silky tannins and an ideal alcohol/acid balance.

At Domaine de Colonat, grapes are exclusively hand-picked and undergo three successive selections. The first selection is done by the pickers in the vineyards, followed by a second selection on a sorting table in the field, and a final selection on a vibrating table in the vat room. This rigorous process ensures that only the best quality grapes are vinified, guaranteeing impeccable quality wines.

A Family and Ambitious Vision

Domaine de Colonat has been a family-run winery for seven generations. Located in Villié-Morgon, the estate covers 12 hectares and produces wines in AOC Morgon, Moulin-à-Vent, Chiroubles, Brouilly, Régnié, and Beaujolais blanc.

After studying viticulture and oenology in Beaune and gaining enriching experiences in various French wine regions and Australia, Thomas Collonge joined the family estate in 2008 alongside his parents, Christine and Bernard.

Since 2018, Julie and Thomas Collonge have formed a dynamic duo determined to elevate Beaujolais wines to the top of the French and international wine scenes. Together, they have perfected viticulture and winemaking methods, focusing on the quality of old vines, optimal harvest dates, and rigorous grape selection. Their goal? To produce exceptional terroir wines.

Thomas Collonge passionately discusses the challenges faced and overcome over the years. “There are always consumers with preconceived notions about Beaujolais wines, but today I take it as a game to convince them. I know our wines are appreciated, and I have confidence in their quality,” he says.

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