Hello! I am a silver/goldsmith and alchemist, smithing since 1996 and practicing the mystical arts since 1991. I have a Bachelor of Fine and Performing Arts from Simon Fraser University, Interior Design and Classical Feng Shui Certificates.
I am a modern day wizard, Feng Shui consultant, artist, performer, and inspirational speaker. Media appearances include CBC, CTV, Home Makeover Magazine, Shaw TV, Ming Pao, The Transgender Project, MakeIt TV, and have hosted on News For the Soul. My work has been shown at the Vancouver Art Gallery, USA and Europe.

Why I Do What I Do:
I was born in Singapore in 1968. I was born a female into a mixed race and class, fundamentalist Christian family; and my childhood was filled with fear, pain, abuse, unhappiness and confusion. In 1987, I came to Canada, and had more years of struggles with family, immigration, finances, self esteem and gender challenges.

I was the first Asian transman to publicly transition in the Vancouver gay and lesbian community in 2001. I was extremely lonely, self hating, struggling in my new male gender and in my business, and I was in debt. In 2009, I attempted suicide. The next morning, I had a hard talk with myself, ’Tien, live or die, it’s your choice. If you choose to live, promise me you will have loads of fun, otherwise go home to your maker.’

I chose to Live! Having experienced such depth of self loathing, fear, pain and loss, I now know the heights of immense joy and freedom. This energy of joy, beauty and magick is in all that I do. I CHOOSE all that I do and in this choice, I promise you my true essence, my love and delight of being alive. Choosing Joy is like creating a life of Magick. I now give my life to having a fantastical time. I imbue all my work with my essence, gifting you with the Magick of Joy and Beauty. As a result of working and being with me, I promise that YOU will be inspired and left with lessons and guidance to recommit and create your own life that is fantastically filled with Joy, Abundance and Power!
B e l i e v e I n M a g i c k