It’s a robotics showdown: VEX robotics competition returns to BCIT April 6

BCIT hosts annual robotics competition with 75 high school teams battling for Pacific Northwest Championship

The annual VEX Robotics Competition returns to BCIT with 300 high school students who have travelled from across BC, Alberta, and Washington State to compete in an intense one-day robotics tournament.

In three 12’ x 12’ foot battle fields, 75 teams will bring forth their custom-built robots for a round-robin competition. During each round, teams are challenged to manoeuvrer 9” wide discs and load balls that are 3” in diameter onto each disc. Points are scored when caps are placed on designated tiles and posts, robots are parked on platforms, flags are toggled, and balls are tossed at specific targets. Watch a previous game here.

After hours of battling, a panel of judges and Jason Brett, BCIT Instructor and President of Pacific Youth Robotics Society, will crown the winning team with a trophy and title of Pacific Northwest Championship. The winning team will qualify for the World VEX Robotics Competition in Louisville, Kentucky on April 27.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

9:30 am – 2:00 pm

(Lunch break between 12:00 -12:30 pm)

BCIT Burnaby Campus

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby

Building SE16 – Gymnasium (See online map)

  • Jason Brett, BCIT Instructor and President of Pacific Youth Robotics Society.
  • 300 student competitors, including teams from Vancouver Island, Washington State, and the Lower Mainland.
  • Teachers who guided students in building and designing their robots.
  • Judges who will referee decisions on the playing field.
  • Spectators who will cheer on their favourite robotics team.

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