We couldn’t be more enthusiastic about wine clubs, unless of course we’re talking B.C. wine clubs!
Belonging to a wine club means always receiving the new releases first, opportunities to buy Library wines, special offers to purchase or special offers for shipping. There is always a good reason to belong to a BC wine club but we think the best reason is two fold: support your favourite winery and have wine shipped to your door on a regular basis for your sipping pleasure!
Bartier Bros. Our Clubs
Join the Bartier Brox.Wine Club and get exclusive access to small lots wines, member pricing, and free shipping on all orders.
Club Members are able to select the wines they want to receive (based on availability) in each shipment. Members can choose to receive a niminum of three, six or 12 bottles shipped to them four times a year (March, June, September, December).
12-bottle Wine Subscription
Receive a 12 bottle selection of Bartier Bros. wines 4 times per year (March, June, September, & December) shipped directly to your home or place of business (NOTE: someone age 19 or over must sign for delivery, so it is often preferable to ship to your place of business).
Bartier Bros. Wine Club Members receive:
- Free Shipping on all Bartier Bros. on-line wine orders.
- 10% Wine Club Member discount on each shipment.
- 10% Wine Club Member discount on all other Bartier Bros. wine purchases (either on-line or from our Tasting Room
- Complementary private wine tasting for your group at our Tasting Room (max. 6 per group) (please contact us to pre-book)
- previews of unreleased vintages
- occasional offers of sold out vintages.
- 2 tickets to our May Wine Tasting & Jazz Picnic (cancelled for 2020)
- first invitations to other events at Bartier Bros. Winery
Join Now
3-bottle Wine Subscription
Receive a 3 bottle selection of Bartier Bros. wines 4 times per year (March, June, September, & December) shipped directly to your home or place of business (NOTE: someone age 19 or over must sign for delivery, so it is often preferable to ship to your place of business).
Bartier Bros. Wine Club Members receive:
- Free Shipping on all Bartier Bros. on-line wine orders.
- 10% Wine Club Member discount on each shipment.
- 10% Wine Club Member discount on all other Bartier Bros. wine purchases (either on-line or from our Tasting Room
- Complementary private wine tasting for your group at our Tasting Room (max. 6 per group) (please contact us to pre-book)
- previews of unreleased vintages
- occasional offers of sold out vintages.
- 2 tickets to our May Wine Tasting & Jazz Picnic (cancelled for 2020)
- first invitations to other events at Bartier Bros. Winery
Join Now
6-bottle Wine Subscription
Receive a 6 bottle selection of Bartier Bros. wines 4 times per year (March, June, September, & December) shipped directly to your home or place of business (NOTE: someone age 19 or over must sign for delivery, so it is often preferable to ship to your place of business).
Bartier Bros. Wine Club Members receive:
- Free Shipping on all Bartier Bros. on-line wine orders.
- 10% Wine Club Member discount on each shipment.
- 10% Wine Club Member discount on all other Bartier Bros. wine purchases (either on-line or from our Tasting Room
- Complementary private wine tasting for your group at our Tasting Room (max. 6 per group) (please contact us to pre-book)
- previews of unreleased vintages
- occasional offers of sold out vintages.
- 2 tickets to our May Wine Tasting & Jazz Picnic (cancelled for 2020)
- first invitations to other events at Bartier Bros. Winery
Join Now

Our wine shop is now open for wine sampling. Wine tastes are $10 per person (includes 6 wines). Our groups are limited to a maximum of six people. Please call in advance or check our reservations to ensure availability.
We are open 7 days a week from 11AM – 5PM
Our picnic area is now open (we recommend calling ahead for reservations).
email: wine@nullbartierbros.com
4821 Ryegrass Road, Oliver, BC
*You can also access the winery via Black Sage Road.
Information and images courtesy of the winery.
If you would like to be featured on MyVanCity.ca please email myvancityval@nullgmail.com, features are complimentary and with appreciation wine samples are accepted for review.