Consumer Feedback Reveals Direct Correlation Between Wine Tourism, Perception and Growth Potential
As a company that specializes in wine consumer sensory data and analytics for wine producers, we regularly get together with wine consumers to taste and rate wines. Our tastings include a sensory wine review experience using the Quini digital wine tasting experience, and depending on client requirements, we also capture consumer opinion about important product concerns or industry issues.
We hosted a tasting in Vancouver just this past December, to the equivalent of about three focus groups. 25 regular Vancouver based wine drinkers who purchase and consumer wine at least twice each month and who are overall interested in wine.
While the primary goal was to evaluate consumer taster opinion of a variety of British Columbia wines, our clients were also wanted to gauge consumer interest in visiting the Okanagan Valley in 2022, drinker general opinion of Okanagan wines, and BC wine brand awareness and recall.
Here are the findings:
The top six Okanagan wine brands recalled, in order, were as follows. If you wish to get the full list and ranking, drop us an email at
1-The View
2- Mission Hill
3- Dirty Laundry
4- Burrowing Owl
5- Monte Creek
6- Quails’ Gate
When asked how they felt about the quality of Okanagan, BC wines, 64 percent of participants said ‘positive’, 32 percent said ‘neutral’ and 4 percent had a ‘negative’ sentiment. In all, the feedback indicated a positive feeling but unveiled a significant opportunity for growth, by improving consumer perception of BC Okanagan wine products.
When compared to some of the most competitive wine regions in the world, the Okanagan Valley, BC ranked second to Burgunday, France and marginally ahead of California. Wahington State, Rioja, Spain, and Niagara, Ontario followed, in order.

Of the 25 respondents to the questionnaire, 16 (64%) consumers had been on a wine tasting in the Okanagan before, versus 36 percent who had never been.
When asked if they plan to visit Okanagan wineries in 2022, 48 percent of all participants said yes. 36 percent said maybe and 16 percent said no.
Importantly, of those who said they plan to visit this year, 60 percent will be returning visitors and 24 percent will be net new visitors.

An interesting correlation stands out when we consider past visits (64%), positive perception of Okanagan wines (64%), a highly positive perception of the Okanagan region compared to Burgundy and other popular wine areas, and consumer intent to return to the Okanagan (60%).
It seems like the majority of consumers who go wine tasting in the Okanagan leave with a positive impression. Most will also plan to return at some point.
Is there an opportunity to magnify promotion efforts by industry bodies to drive visitation, perception and growth?
What are your thoughts, and what is your experience with your wine club and tasting room?
Media release provided by Roger at Quini.