BC wineries open and ready to welcome guests

Across BC’s nine wine regions, wineries are not only open and have an abundance of wine to share, but they have created an array of diverse and unique offerings that allow guests to experience wine country like never before. Visitors and locals alike are encouraged to Sip, Smile and Stay Awhile while taking in the warm hospitality and charm BC wineries have become known for.

While there are more than 60 events coming up in the next two months, ten wineries across the province have developed completely new wine tourism experiences as part of the Cultivating Experiences: Elevating BC Wine Tourism program. Working with Wine Growers British Columbia and Destination BC in partnership with Firecircle, and supported by Pacific Economic Development Canada (PacifiCan), the wineries have been hard at work over the past few months with the goal of bringing their offerings from vision to market this summer.

“Being relevant in today’s world of travel and tourism means having a rock-solid foundation of operational and physical infrastructure and innovative thinking to support meaningful experiences for your guests,” said Deneen Allen, CEO, Firecircle. “The Cultivating Experiences program offered an opportunity for BC wineries to take new or existing experiences through a robust envisioning, designing and building process.”

Over the past few years, BC wineries have faced challenges like never before, yet they remain committed to welcoming guests to their tasting rooms in new and exciting ways this summer and beyond. “We could not be more excited for the launch of the Cultivating Experiences program,” said Kim Barnes, Marketing Director, Wine Growers British Columbia. “This program, combined with our new Sip, Smile and Stay Awhile campaign, highlights the exceptional array of warm, welcoming and diverse wine tourism experiences available across the province and provides new ways for guests to enjoy 100% BC wine this year.”

The Cultivating Experiences program represents Wine Growers BC and Destination BC’s united effort to promote the province as a destination for incredible tourism experiences. The program provided virtual workshops, valuable market research, and mentorship for each participant winery to ultimately launch a unique wine tourism experience. These Cultivating Experiences winery offerings are the latest added to the plethora of options available to those exploring BC wine country this summer:

With more BC wine events added every day to the Wines of BC calendar, “British Columbia’s wine tourism is a testament to the passionate folks who work in the province’s vineyards, wineries and touring companies,” said Lana Popham, Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport. “It’s not just about the wine, it’s about our stories, our people, and our wine country culture. We are pleased to support Destination BC and our nine wine regions, ensuring visitors can experience our incredible BC wines while enjoying our exceptional hospitality from the vineyards to the tasting rooms.”

Follow along with @WinesofBC and #ExploreBC to get inspiration on where to plan your next BC wine adventure.

Media release and image provided by Wine Growers British Columbia.

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