Winter Arts Festival “Through The Glass” Comes to Gastown in February 2025
Through the Glass, will transform Gastown’s windows and walls into reflections of stories and perspectives.
Through the Glass, will transform Gastown’s windows and walls into reflections of stories and perspectives.
Many of White’s works are inspired by traditional stories.
The Township of Langley lights up summer with family-friendly entertainment.
The event, a literal “Red Carpet Affair,” is scheduled for Wednesday, October 18th, 2023.
Viewers were encouraged to interact with the works to witness perspective shifts.
B.C.’s top Okanagan wine brand, Vintage Ink, is partnering with iconic shop Palace Tattoo.
Save the date as VCBW Craft Beer & Music Festival, the Lower Mainland’s largest craft beer event returns to the PNE Fairgrounds from July 9 to 10, 2022, presented by Go RVing Canada.
With the goal of reinforcing community connection during this time apart, project organizers invited residents of Greater Vancouver to submit either a self-portrait or a photo of a fellow self-isolator within their household to the project website.
Playing with Fire features the work of 11 internationally recognized BC-based artists — Judy Chartrand, Ying-Yueh Chuang, Gathie Falk, Jeremy Hatch, Ian Johnston, David Lambert, Glenn Lewis, Alywn O’Brien, Bill Rennie, Debra Sloan, and Brendan Tang — who are all acclaimed for their fearless innovation in ceramic work.
“In a community of photo conceptual artists, we are proud to have Cindy Sherman headline our fall season,” says Daina Augaitis, Interim Director of the Vancouver Art Gallery.