The Three Musketeers, A Masterfully Adapted Swahbuckling Comedy, Leads the Arts Club Theatre Company into 2025
The Three Musketeers is a co-production with the Citadel Theatre in Edmonton.
The Three Musketeers is a co-production with the Citadel Theatre in Edmonton.
This charming new comedy dives into 21st-century Vancouver.
This Tony award winning musical has landed itself at the Gateway Theatre.
Reflections on Crooked Walking” is one of my favourite shows I have seen in 2024.
The community-minded Giving Tree connects your clan to meaningful giving opportunities for Ronald McDonald House BC families.
Bard on the Beach in my opinion, is the most exquisite theatrical event in Vancouver.
I strongly recommend seeing “A Case for the Existence of God” by Samuel D. Hunter.
SIGMA ACAPELLA is an original musical about a faltering frat house.
Starting September 18th, a new Creative Technology Gallery will spark the realm of imagination at Science World’s iconic dome.
In Seminar, a provocative comedy from Pulitzer Prize nominee Theresa Rebeck, four aspiring young novelists sign up for private writing classes with Leonard, an international literary figure. Under his recklessly brilliant and unorthodox instruction, some thrive and others flounder, alliances are made and broken, sex is used as a weapon, and hearts are unmoored.