Breast Reconstruction Awareness (BRA) Day is an international initiative aimed at increasing awareness, education, and access for women interested in breast reconstruction. An independently organized breast reconstruction awareness educational held in Vancouver on Tuesday, October 17.

Vancouver-based breast cancer survivor, Kate Colley was diagnosed with invasive, Stage 3, cancer in August 2018. She learned of last year’s BRA Day event by chance and found it to be the most helpful, informative part of her cancer experience. “BRA Day puts faces and names to one of the scariest parts of breast cancer – life after a mastectomy,” shares Colley. “Plastic surgeons who work directly with patients in attendance explain every option available – from no reconstruction, to implants, to flap reconstruction using the patient’s own body tissues. Real women generously stand up and offer a “show and tell” of their own post-reconstruction bodies to help women facing cancer make the best choice for them. It’s a very empowering event that offers unparalleled insight to a lonely and scary situation.”
BRA Event is a FREE educational event that brings together:
- Plastic surgeons specialized in breast reconstruction
- Physiotherapists experienced working with breast cancer patients
- Bra fitting and breast prosthesis experts
- Tattoo artists specialized in nipple and areola recreation
- Women who have had breast reconstruction
- Women who are seeking information and education on breast reconstruction
- Educate women on the surgical procedures and non-surgical options available following mastectomy or lumpectomy for breast cancer treatment or mastectomy for breast cancer prevention (prophylactic).
- Connect women with other breast cancer survivors and with women currently undergoing breast cancer treatment or considering prophylactic mastectomy for risk reduction.
- Educational presentation from breast reconstruction surgeons
- ‘Show & Tell’ lounge where women can see the real-life results of breast reconstruction and speak with women who have had reconstruction.
- Exhibit area with products and services to help women who have been affected by breast cancer
- Snacks and refreshments provided for all attendees
- Breast cancer patients
- Women who are considering prophylactic mastectomy for risk reduction
- Family and friends supporting these women through their breast reconstruction journey
- Healthcare professionals that care for breast cancer patients
- Dr. Sheina Macadam
- Dr. Esta Bovill
- Dr. Nancy Van Laeken
- Dr. Peter Lennox
- Dr. Kathryn Isaac
Interviews with participating plastic surgeons available upon request.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
5pm to 8pm
Paetzold Auditorium, Vancouver General Hospital
899 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver
Register here
*Please note: all those interested in attending the event must register individually.
BRA Day was founded in 2011 by Dr. Mitchell Brown, a plastic and reconstructive surgeon from Toronto. He sought to provide women with knowledge of their options for post-mastectomy breast reconstruction. It has since been adopted in over 30 countries worldwide and the educational topics have expanded to provide women with a comprehensive understanding of the current reconstructive options following mastectomy or lumpectomy.
Media release and poster provided by Krista Lochhead, Colley Communications Inc.
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