Introducing Gourmicious – A Unique Gourmet Dining Experience
You like to explore the World of Cuisine
You’re looking for a unique dining experience
You’re a gourmet enthusiast
You want to do more in-home entertaining.
You need the services of a professional chef.
You like to host your friends somewhere that isn’t your own home.
You would like to host your friends in a comfortable, private setting.
You’re looking for a way to reciprocate.
Does that sound like you?
Gourmicious is a by-invitation platform that connects like-minded gourmet enthusiasts through unique dining experiences.

Gourmicious provides foodies and fine-diners with the opportunity to locate and book unique experiences through a specialized Social Media platform. Chefs and Diners use the platform to connect with each other to share authentic cultural and social events.
Gourmicious is a service of Connekt Resources Inc., which manages Innovative marketplaces and network collaboration.
With Gourmicious you can be a guest, become a host or if you’re a chef you can connect with diners looking for their own unique experience.

Learn how to showcase your creativity and authenticity with Gourmicious. Diners look for unique experiences with chefs they can trust. Share your story with diners by building a comprehensive profile on Gourmicious. Some diners prefer experienced chefs while others like to try home-cooked meals. Let diners know who you are as a chef to find the right diners for your dining experiences. Showcase your creativity and authenticity with Gourmicious.

Gourmicious chefs share their gourmet meals with Guests. All you have to do is enter your destination and dates into the search bar to discover distinctive places to dine.
If you have extra [kitchen] space which you don’t have use of we recommend you to publish it in Gourmicious. You can earn from utilizing this opportunity and from another perspective, you are extending the comfort of your space to fellow companions.

Some thoughts from the people behind Gourmicious:
“Chefs have certain restrictions when they are preparing a dish in a commercial setting (restaurant). The menu they come up with should include dishes that can be replicated, scaled, and prepared in 20-30 minutes maximum. Also, many times the one who buys the ingredients and the one who cooks are not the same.
For private dinners, they have more options. There are better chances of enjoying fresh ingredients picked for you, better quality and well enjoyed dishes (or variation of them) that you won’t be able to get in a restaurant setting due to restrictions of a commercial cooking environment.
On top of it, I am expecting that some of the members who are offering private dining on Gourmicious will be home-cooks who cook based on family (secret) recipes that are passed to them from one generation to another. This is again is not something you can try in a restaurant.
Vancouver is very diverse and each Canadian/Vancouverite has an international background and recipe to share. I totally agree with you that with the support from the local community and their openness to join and use the platform, we can further spice up the dining experience in the city and encourage networking and social bond (something BC is known to lack). With that understanding, we have also given the Gourmicious hosts the option of offering outdoor dining experiences where they all get together over a picnic, network and enjoy a delicious meal.”