Salmon Girl a Raven Spirit Dance Production

Salmon Girl explores the world of water and salmon. Through theatre, dance, music and puppetry, this piece follows the journey of a young girl into a magical adventure where the delicate balance of nature could change her life forever.

Vancouver Opera presents Puccini’s La Bohème – The Greatest Love Story

Arguably one of the most well known operas of our time, the Vancouver Opera is staging their 12th production of La Bohème since they first performed it in 1960. The last time the bohemian arias were sung by the VO was in 2008, a very melodramatic interpretation indeed, and so being able to attend this new staging felt much more authentic and was a real treat.

Turning Point Ensemble presents WORDS & MUSIC

Turning Point Ensemble, always innovative combining old and new music,  has created a fascinating collaboration of composers and writers in a theatrical presentation and concert in Words & Music presented at the ANNEX on March 9 & 10th @7:30pm.

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