“Soul of Spanish Guitar”, Pablo Sainz Villegas Makes VSO Debut in Rodrigo Concerto March 28 & 30

The Vancouver Symphony Orchestra is pleased to present guitarist Pablo Sáinz Villegas in Rodrigo’s Guitar Concerto on March 28, at the Bell Performing Arts Centre in Surrey and March 30 at the Orpheum Theatre in downtown Vancouver.

The Vancouver Symphony Orchestra Presents, Beethoven, Beethoven & Beethoven in VSO Debut of French Pianist David Kadouch

The Vancouver Symphony Orchestra is pleased to present French pianist, David Kadouch in his VSO debut in at the Oprheum Theatre on March 15, 16 and 17 in Beethoven, Beethoven, & Beethoven, a program heavily devoted to Beethoven. Conducted by Dietrich Paredes.

The VSO & YWCA Metro Vancouver Present: Family Fun Day at the Symphony. Portion of Proceeds to Benefit YWCA Crabtree Corner

The Vancouver Symphony Orchestra is pleased to announce it has partnered with YWCA Metro Vancouver, and co-presenting partner LNG Canada, for a very special family concert featuring the VSO and special guest hosts Lisa Wu (Phoenix TV) and Rick Cluff (former CBC host) on March 9th at 3PM at the Orpheum Theatre. 

The VSO Announces the 2019-2020 Season Celebrating Music that Changed the World

Vancouver Symphony Orchestra (VSO) Music Director Otto Tausk and VSO President Kelly Tweeddale announced today the VSO’s 2019-2020 Season, the 101st for the orchestra. The ambitious season celebrates musical innovators such as Beethoven, Mahler, and the Beatles while continuing to look to the future with the VSO Digital Concert Hall featuring hologram projects and multi-media concerts.

Vancouver Symphony Orchestra Announces Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. Concert Series to Feature Iconic Scores Performed Live to Film

The Vancouver Symphony Orchestra will present the Star Wars: Film Concert Series featuring the screening of The Empire Strikes Back, with Oscar-winning composer John Williams’ musical scores performed live to the films.

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