Vancouver International Wine Festival announces Honorary Chair of VanWineFest’s Bacchanalia Gala – Anthony Von Mandl
2023 Bacchanalia Gala Dinner + Auction, presented by National Bank Private Banking 1859.
2023 Bacchanalia Gala Dinner + Auction, presented by National Bank Private Banking 1859.
Between April 27 and May 1, 2021, the virtual Auction will offer an opportunity to bid on an array of wines and wine experiences that will appeal to those who love wine, collect and invest in it, and look for unique winery stays and tours.
Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival’s 30th Anniversary Season has ended on a note of celebration, with a total attendance of 103,000 – the third season in a row to draw over 100,000 patrons – and a lineup of four plays and special events that generated both critical praise and near-sold out houses throughout the Festival.
The rising stars of the UBC Opera Ensemble and members of the Vancouver Opera Orchestra bring Opera & Arias: Verdi and More! to Vanier Park on two Mondays in late August and early September.
Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival is set to round out its 30thAnniversary Season in Vanier Park, with the staging of Coriolanus on the Howard Family Stage in the Douglas Campbell Theatre.
To purchase tickets for Bard-B-Q & Fireworks, please call our Box Office at 604-739-0559 or choose July 27 when booking Shakespeare in Love; July 31 or August 3 when booking The Taming of the Shrew; or July 27, July 31 or August 3 when booking All’s Well That Ends Well on our website.
All’s Well That Ends Well provides excellent performances from its female actors. Patel and Parmar are amazing in their roles, bringing joy, sorrow, wistfulness and determinati/Users/valerievdg/Desktop/bard alls well.jpgon to their parts.
From Fireworks nights to Family Days, there’s a host of unmissable events to enjoy at the Bard’s spectacularly beautiful Vanier Park site.
Now, I am one who loves to study Shakespeare. But in truth, very little is known about the artistic life of the Bard and the evolution of his literary genius. Shakespeare in Love (originally a movie by Marc Norman and Tom Stoppard) captured the imagination of audiences everywhere in 1998.
This year’s production of All’s Well That Ends Well transports audiences to an India on the cusp of independence in 194