Wednesday Wine Reviews with @Sam_WineTeacher

2021 Pinot Gris (Switchback Vineyard) Haywire Winery Summerland, BC $29.99 100% organically grown Pinot Gris, whole cluster pressed and naturally fermented before aging in concrete tanks all of which helps to ensure that the terroir shines through.  You’re not going to mistake this distinctive wine for another Pinot Gris.  Very food friendly.  Straw coloured with … Read more

From the Cellar with @Sam_WineTeacher

In addition to the weekly wine review and the various other, usually wine-related, articles I write for My Van City, I am including a new one that will appear from time to time.  I’m calling it, ‘From the Cellar’. It will be much like the wine reviews, except that it will feature wines that have … Read more

Tasting Group – BC Cabernet Franc

We were presented with eight wines to see if the recommended wine was indeed the best.

Expressions of Place, People, and Time – Master Class

Wine grape growing and wine making are not for the faint of heart.

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