From the Cellar with @Sam_WineTeacher

In addition to the weekly wine review and the various other, usually wine-related, articles I write for My Van City, I am going to include a new one that will appear from time to time.  I’m calling it, ‘From the Cellar’. It will be similar to the wine reviews, except that it will feature aged … Read more

2019 final recap #FavouriteThings Holiday Gift Suggestions

Here we are again in 2019 with our #FavouriteThings Holiday Gift Suggestions.

White, Red, Rosé #bcwine we have a recommendation for your Valentine

No matter whether your favourite #bcwine is a White, Red, Rosé, Still, Sparkling or Bubbly we have recommendations to make your Valentine’s Day special. Is there anything more romantic than sharing a glass of wine? I think not. If that glass of wine just happens to be a BC Wine you’re on the right track. … Read more

For Valentine’s Day we recommend Our #FavouriteThings bubbles and sparkling BC wines

This is a bit of a no brainer. Who wouldn’t want to start or end their Valentine’s Day with bubbles and sparkling wines? Especially if they are BC Bubbles and BC Sparkling Wines. Our #FavouriteThings Bubbles and Sparkling wine recommendations to make Valentine’s a very special day.   THE ONE 2012 2012 “The One” Sparkling … Read more

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