#FavouriteThings Holiday Gift Suggestions | Four Shadows Vineyard & Winery 🍷 🎅

On our personally recommended list again this year Four Shadows Winery joins #FavouriteThings Holiday Gift Suggestions. Four Shadows makes it easy to purchase their wines with availability of some of their wines at Save-On-Foods and private wine shops.

#FavouriteThings Holiday Gift Suggestions | Seven Stones Winery🍷 🎅

Seven Stones joins #FavouriteThings Holiday Gift Suggestions with a winner of the silver medal in the 2021 National WineAlign Awards and a Row 128 Merlot Vertical Tasting Set.

Tofino’s Sea of Lights: Saturday December 4th, 2021

Tofino’s Sea of Lights: Saturday December 4th, 2021 Tree Illuminations, Festive Boat Parade and Gifts Galore at Tofino Resort + Marina Embrace Tofino’s unique take on festive cheer, whether in person or virtually from the comfort of home, with Tofino Resort + Marina’’s Sea of Lights celebration taking place on the resort and live-streamed on … Read more

#FavouriteThings Holiday Gift Suggestions | Culmina Family Estate Winery 🍷 🎅

The winery passed a long-awaited milestone this year! After thoroughly reviewing the viticultural processes, the Pacific Agriculture Certification Society has awarded Culmina an organic certification, as of August 2021.

#FavouriteThings Holiday Gift Suggestions | Moon Curser

You may have noticed we’ve gone all quiet and our wine stockpile has run a bit dry. Do not worry though – we are good at hiding things and have stowed away a few precious cellar treasures.

#FavouriteThings Holiday Gift Suggestions | Blue Grouse Estate Winery and Vineyard 🍷 🎅

Situated in the picturesque Cowichan Valley this Vancouver Island winery brings us some of their best selling wines for your gift giving pleasure.

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