#FavouriteThings – Holiday Gift Suggestions Somerset Moss

Somerset Moss blends the wisdom of ancient botanical practices with bio-plant actives backed by modern science. Discover their collection: Three botanical products can be blended, layered or worn alone, so you can adapt to whatever your skin requires.

Holiday Gift Suggestion Vancouver Eats Cookbook

The Vancouver Eats! cookbook features some top Vancouver chefs. Here we feature three local chefs whose recipes you will find in the cookbook. You can order your copy directly from the respective restaurants – and even have your cookbook signed by the Chef. What a great gift for the foodie on your list.

#FavouriteThings Holiday Gift Suggestions – Club Mayhem

Now that’s a great idea for a gift that is truly unique. Take these fun, tasty, affordable Mayhem Wines and gift them to your friends and family by buying a Club Mayhem membership! CLUB MAYHEM Club Mayhem is a great club, that’s not really a club, it’s more a gathering of friends who love wine.  … Read more

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