Wines of Romance from CedarCreek Estate Winery Valentine Collection

Romance, a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love.

Passion! What could be better to fuel your Valentine passion than BC Wine…

We have carefully selected some incredible wines that say Passion! this Valentine’s Day. More than a jug of wine, a loaf of bread and thou! We think these wines will make your blood pump and your toes curl, of course it helps if you have someone special to share your passion with but we can only make suggestions on wine pairing with our personal recommendations, other pairings are up to you!

Romance! How to up your game this Valentine’s Day with BC Wine

Romance! How do you define romance? The Oxford Dictionary defines romance as: A feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love. We think we can add to the excitement and take the mystery out of which wine to share with your Valentine.

Celebration! What does Valentine’s Day mean to you?

Valentine’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate! Whether you are intending to propose on February 14 or you were engaged on a previous Valentine’s Day celebrating is in order. What says “celebrate” more than a bubbly or sparkling wine. A bubbly or sparkling wine from BC? Even better!

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