Red Rooster Winery #JointheClub

YOUR VERY OWN FEATHER. This exciting program allows people to adopt a row of vines in our vineyard.  This club will allow you to get your hands dirty with the winemaker.

#WelcomeBack to Black Hills Estate Winery

We will be accepting a maximum group size of six people. Each reservation will have 60 minutes at each table, so that we can host as many of our winery fans as possible each day. We look forward to hosting you!

Township 7 new summer releases for your sipping pleasure…

It’s finally summer and the weather is just starting to cooperate. It’s time to get down to selecting our favourite summer sippers to enjoy on your patio, deck, the beach or wherever you go this summer.

Sandhill Winery #JointheClub

Wine Clubs are a great idea, expecially if you are absent minded, too busy, or a procrastinator. Joining is easy and someone else takes care of all the details. Doesn’t that sound like the perfect way to ensure you have a supply of your favourite BC wine on hand for your sipping pleasure? JOIN THE … Read more

Gray Monk Estate Winery #JointheClub

So when you join a BC wine club you are helping a lot of people and giving something to yourself at the same time. So #JointheClub so you can always count on having BC wine available for your sipping pleasure.

Hester Creek Estate Winery #JointheClub

There are two options to join the Hester Creek Bench Club; you can either join Terra Unica and choose from one of our convenient quarterly shipment options or Loyalty and purchase a case of 12 bottles all at once.

CedarCreek Estate Winery #JointheClub

You will never miss out on the exceptional wines of CedarCreek if you are a club member. Three times a year you will receive a shipment of six wines, shipped right to your door. Convenient, customizable and always welcome.

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