#ShiptoSip with Monte Creek Ranch Winery

“The Thompson Valley is steeped in history. Frontiersmen and prospectors – even infamous train robbers like Billy Miner – sought their fortunes in this area as the West was being built. The site of the Monte Creek Ranch winery echoes with the whispers of the past.”

#ShiptoSip with Skaha Vineyard @KrazeLegz Vineyard and Winery

Welcome the wines of SKAHA Vineyard @KrazeLegz Winery. These award winning BC wines should be at the top of your list. Great pricing and the option of free shipping or curbside pick-up. #ShiptoSip

#ShiptoSip with Township 7 Vineyards & Winery

Offering free delivery across Canada with a minimum four bottle order and donating $10. with each delivery order to the BC Hospitality Foundation. Kudos Township 7.

#ShiptoSip with Moon Curser Vineyard

With #ShiptoSip winery Moon Curser we’re shedding light on their new releases and old favourites you can choose to drink by cover of darkness, or anytime it strikes your fancy.

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