Celebrate Chardonnay Day with CheckMate’s Second 100 pt Wine

2016 Little Pawn Chardonnay was a small production, and as such, this will be the only opportunity to acquire our second consecutive 100 point vintage of this wine. 

Mirabel Estate Vineyard #JointheClub

Mirabel Wines known for their exquisite Pinot Noir wines invite a select number of BC wine lovers to join their wine club. We are thrilled to have them join our campaign #JointheClub

Clos du Soleil #JointheClub

Choose your favourite package and receive new wines every equinox, or create a memorable gift. We are all in when it comes to joining a wine club. Not only do you receive some very special BC wines but it may ensure you never lose out on your favourites. #JointheClub

JAK’s supports local food banks across BC | May 30

On Saturday, May 30 ten percent of sales from all 13 JAK’s locations will be donated to local food banks. There is no catch — stock up on your favourite wine or summer beverages either in-store or online and make a difference doing it.

#ShiptoSip with At Home With Mijune Pak: Wine Wednesdays – Episode 1

The wines that were blind tasted on the first episode of Mijune Pak: Wine Wednesdays are all available to ship to your door, or purchase in select BC Liquor Stores (for a limited time)

#LetsGetVirtual At Home With Mijune Pak: Wine Wednesdays

Now is your chance to be a part of a new Instagram Live series At Home with Mijune Pak, Wine Wednesdays which started May 13. Each week Mijune will challenge three local Sommeliers in a fun blind tasting.

National Chardonnay Day – May 21st

National Chardonnay Day is coming up on May 21 along with some much needed warm weather.  Here are  three favourite Chardonnay selections from Jackson Family Wines . Celebrate along with us and enjoy this selection of wines to match every price point! Available in government liquor stores and select wine shops (online).

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