#ShiptoSip with Township 7 Vineyards & Winery

Offering free delivery across Canada with a minimum four bottle order and donating $10. with each delivery order to the BC Hospitality Foundation. Kudos Township 7.

#ShiptoSip with Moon Curser Vineyard

With #ShiptoSip winery Moon Curser we’re shedding light on their new releases and old favourites you can choose to drink by cover of darkness, or anytime it strikes your fancy.

Church and State Wines Supports BC Hospitality Foundation

The BC Hospitality Foundation (BCHF) is pleased to announce that Church and State Wines is supporting its work during this difficult time. From May 1 to 31, 2020, Church and State will donate $1 per bottle of its wine purchased at liquor retail stores, grocery stores, and restaurants. 

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