Swirl Around BC and The Future of the BC Wine Industry

Here are the wines that were tasted along with the winery notes and my impressions.

Expressions of Place, People, and Time – Master Class

Wine grape growing and wine making are not for the faint of heart.

Tasting Group – Aged Gamay

Wayne Meadows is one of the founding members of our tasting group, which began in 1978.  Besides being a renowned winemaker, he is very organized and plans his September tastings several years ahead of time, so it was no surprise to find out that this year’s tasting was ‘Aged BC Gamay’ wines. Those who are … Read more

Wine Growers British Columbia is calling on all BC wineries to apply now for the WSSP program

Government announces new wine sector support program to assist BC wineries in challenging times. Wineries are to apply by August 12! #BCWine #CDNWine Wine Growers of British Columbia Wine Growers of Canada

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