#ThisWineThatDish | Four Shadows Chardonnay | Creamy Corn Pasta

“In this series I will be sharing my take on which BC Wine pairs well with some inspirational recipes” Both of the seasonal dishes I have made lately are focused on fresh, local corn in a one dish pasta meal accompanied by two different salads of heirloom tomatoes and fresh BC peaches.

“Flavours of Italy – Celebrating Italian Classics” Wine Masterclass

The purpose of the masterclass is to acquaint the selected public with the exclusive selection of 12 “Flavours of Italy” wines paired with authentic Italian food. The wines will be available in 60 BC Liquor Stores ilocations from October 4th to 31st.

#ThisWineThatDish | Hester Creek | Tomato Tarte

“In this series I will be sharing my take on which BC Wine pairs well with some inspirational recipes” This is a perfect recipe to use up the last of the season’s Heirloom tomatoes, or any tomatoes you have either grown yourself or bought fresh at a farmer’s market.

#ThisWineThatDish Noble Ridge The Crown | Plum Torte

“In this series I will be sharing my take on which BC Wine pairs well with some inspirational recipes” This recipe came out of necessity! What do you do with a box of about 100 plums?

#ThisWineThatDish | Church and State Chardonnay | Corn, Bacon and Parmesan Pasta

“In this series I will be sharing my take on which BC Wine pairs well with some inspirational recipes”This time the wine is definitely the star. Both of the seasonal dishes I’ve made recently are focused on fresh, local corn in a one dish pasta meal accompanied by salads of heirloom tomatoes and fresh BC peaches.

A list of my favourite wines and some new discoveries…

Hope you enjoy reading through this list as much as I enjoyed putting it together.

#ThisWineThatDish | CheckMate Knight’s Challenge Chardonnay | Tuscan White Bean Arugula Salad

“In this series I share recipes from Italian friends, chefs and from my travels” This totally simple salad is delish and if it’s a hot summer day it can make a satisfying dinner for those with lighter appetites.

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