Local Flights BC Wine Tasting Event the first nine – a review

Overall, and covering just something better than four hours, I tasted 50 wines. Wines were divided into groups of nine per flight (except the final flight which was one wine only) meaning a total of 6 flights.

Wednesday Wine Reviews from @Sam_WineTeacher

As always a stellar line-up of wine suggestions from our intrepid wine reviewer Sam.

#ThisWineThatDish | J. Moreau & Fils Chablis paired with Coquille St Jacques

There are many versions of the Coquille St Jacques and I took inspiration from several with a mix and match list of ingredients. I was pleased with the result and was surprised at how easy it was to make. It is sure to impress.

#FavouriteThings Holiday Gift Suggestions | the “Bubbly” edition

This year we may not be as together as previous years but by being careful and kind and staying in our bubble we can #PartyLikeIts2020 with these fine wines.

#FavouriteThings Holiday Gift Suggestions | Dessert, Icewine, port style & Fortified

Perfect for after dinner, with dessert, or for a nightcap it compliments your dining experience. Wines to enjoy throughout the holidays!

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