The Installation at CheckMate Turns Two! Celebrates with the Bear’s Move Chardonnay limited release

The unique, Pied de Cuve wine is Checkmate’s only unoaked expression of Chardonnay. A modern take on tradition, naturally fermented in ceramic Clayver vessels placed in the Dekleva Vineyard.

#TBT BC Pinot Noir Group May 2019

At the last meeting, we compared one wine served in a regular wine glass to the same wine served in a variety specific expensive Zalto wine glass.  Because the wine in the second glass was noticeably improved, we did this comparison with each wine this time.

Okanagan Crush Pad in Summerland, BC welcomes visitors with LIVE music all summer long until August 29

Led by owners Christine Coletta and Steve Lornie, Okanagan Crush Pad takes winery guests through a true Okanagan experience.

Dirty Laundry Vineyard Optimizes Intelligence with QUINI DATA™

Under Quini’s annual subscription program, consumer sensory and attitudinal data will be analyzed and delivered through Quini’s pre-built analytics dashboards, in near real-time, to support Dirty Laundry’s leadership and winemaking teams in answering critical wine marketing, sales and product questions on-demand, year-round.

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