#FavouriteThings Holiday Gift Suggestions | Fort Berens Estate Winery

What a terrific line-up of wines for holiday entertaining and gift giving to your wine loving family and friends. These selections definitely give something for everyone on your list. They make super host/hostess gfifts too!

#Taste | Fort Berens Cabernet Franc | Lamb Merguez Meatballs

“The inspiration behind this dish would be my love for fusing different cuisines together in one dish.” Chef Sarah Maw

#FavouriteThings Holiday Gift Suggestions | Moon Curser

You may have noticed we’ve gone all quiet and our wine stockpile has run a bit dry. Do not worry though – we are good at hiding things and have stowed away a few precious cellar treasures.

#ShiptoSip 2021 with Fort Berens Estate Winery

We are passionate about making wines that express the unique Lillooet terroir. We aim to provide premium quality wines at a fair price ensuring our customers get great value for their money.

Experiencing the Wines of Church and State

Every wine has it’s own characteristics and well, frankly, some things should just not be rushed, especially with the wines of Church and State. Pleasure and enjoyment of the mighty grape falls into that category.

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